General informations
This is a private website, without any type of commercial purpose. It is intended to serve as introduction to this
diagnostic method, and is directed to fellow professionals who start routinary diagnostic work with it. Its content
is based on actual world literature on echocardiography.
Dr. med. Derliz Mereles, MD
Langer Anger 179
69115 Heidelberg
Tel. +49 6221 5028479
Fax +49 6221 5028480
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Copyright © Derliz Mereles. All rights reserved.
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can only be used and/or reproduced with author's permission. "Echobasics" is
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Competent Medical Association:
Baden-Württemberg Medical Association
Statutory Health Insurance Physicians Association:
KV Baden-Württemberg
Licence to practice medicine awarded in: Germany and Paraguay
Designation of the professional legal regulations:
Code of Conduct of the Baden-Württemberg Medical Association
Actual Professional Code of Conduct:
Code of conduct